Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Engaging w/ Elul August 22, 2013

An immoral society betrays humanity because it betrays the basis for humanity, which is memory. An immoral society deals with memory as some politicians deal with politics. A moral society is committed to memory: I believe in memory. The Greek word althea means Truth, things that cannot be forgotten. I believe in those things that cannot be forgotten and because of that, so much in my work deals with memory... What do all my books have in common? A commitment to memory.
"Building a Moral Society", Chamberlin Lecture at Lewis & Clark College (1995)
– Elie Wiesel

This season of awe and repentance urges us to understand memory.  It forces us to use this tool to look back at the past year and recall, what we are able to, to be honest with those memories.  It can be challenging, especially for hard or difficult memories.  Yet, it is necessary work, for we cannot become closer to our potential if we do not engage in memory, even the painful ones. 

I often refer to Jewish history as memory.  Yes, we have a great textual tradition that reminds us the path our people has taken.  We have an amazing tradition of telling stories and passing on traditions.  Yet, once it becomes passed from one generation to the next, told from one to another, isn’t it memory and no longer history?

Make Today a Great Day,

Rabbi Evon

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