Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Thought on Unetaneh Tokef

These words, we know, are difficult.  They bring discomfort, fear and anxiety to many, if not all of us.  The Unetaneh Tokef questions what control if any we have over the year that will be.  It even turns our gaze back at the year behind us to consider what, if anything we did, that brought harm, challenge to our lives.  Concluding this peace, those words we are familiar with:  ותשובה ותפילה וצדקה מעבירין את רוע הגזרה - But Repentance, prayer and charity, temper judgment’s severe decree.  Do they change it?  I’m confident that is the not the system of life we experience.  Rather, living lives with sincere efforts to right wrongs and make amends, to yearn through thoughtful words and actions of prayer for a better life, a better world and seek justice that brings charity to all those in need - these pillars of our lives helps us stand strong under the burden of that severe decree. 
The challenges of life, the bumps in the road, the tragedies are faced with a firm footing and a sense of strength when we live lives firm in our work of teshuvah - repentance, tefilah - prayer and tzedakah - justice and charity.

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