Thursday, October 31, 2013

October 23, 2013

Over the last couple of weeks, our Torah story has displayed moments of our ancestors best character, and their worst.  We have seen moments of righteousness and moments lacking.  This week, our matriarch Sarah has the portion named for her chayei sarah - the life of Sarah, yet in the opening verses we learn of the end of her life.  It is a itme of great transition as Isaac becomes the next in the chain of our ancestors.  There is another tale of greatness from one of our ancestors in this week's story line as well.

When Abraham sends his servant Eliezer to find a wife for his son Isaac we become witness to what our tradition considers the pinnacle of chesed - kindness.  It is a a kindness that exceeds all others.  It is the moment when Eliezer is resting by the well, that Rebecca, the soon to be bride of his master's son, offers water not just to provide water for Elizer but also for his animals.  This exceeding act of care for another is what our tradition points to as the example of true chesed - kindness.

When I examine our community and consider the ways we reach out to one another, I am consistenly proud to be part of such a kehillah kedosha - sacred community.  It is a collective that often lives this kind of kindness.  The rides offered to others, the care you all take for our building, for things as simple as washing the tablecloths and taking out the trash are all wonderful acts.  They are the seeds of chesed.  To allow this plant to grow, we often reach out and help others in our wider community through social justice.  Other times we support within during times of need and celebrate at times of joy.  One additional way to water and tend these seeds of chesed is through our caring committee work.  Many of you have attended these gatherings and there are more to come.  This is one additional way we can ensure our TBY family continues to stretch beyond the walls of our beautiful building and the bonds of Jewish connection are always strengthened.

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